“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12 (NRSV)
Life is not meant to be lived alone. God created us for community! Becoming a member of a church is not to say you are a member of a club, it is a Biblical commitment to being part of a Christian community and all God is doing through the local church.
We have three types of membership:
- Full Member: member of North Naples Church by Confession of Faith, Reaffirmation of Faith or Transfer of Membership
The next two memberships are great if you have a second home here and call NNC “home” while living in Southwest Florida.
- Affiliate Member: part-time member at NNC but retains full membership at another United Methodist Church.
- Associate Member: part-time member at NNC but retains full membership at a church of a different denomination.
When joining North Naples Church, you make a commitment to support the church with your prayers, presence, gifts, witness, and service.
What if I want to attend North Naples Church but not become a member?
Yes, that’s perfectly fine. While the timing of church membership is a personal decision, it is our hope that once you have decided to make NNC your church home, you would further your commitment by joining our church family.
To learn more about membership and/or discuss your next step to getting connected at NNC, please email Marcia Clark at [email protected]