New Here?
Welcome! We are so excited to meet you and your children! Register ahead of your visit by completing our registration form or visit the Connection Desk by the Worship Center to be directed to the correct building for your child.
New Baby?
We love to celebrate new babies and adoptions. Please complete our Baby Registry so we can share in your joy. You can also select to receive information about baptism by filling out the Baptism request form below.

Early Childhood Programs
Pre-K (3-4 years old) Join us for our very own, age appropriate worship service full of music, worship, Bible message, and play. We gladly partner with you in introducing pre-school age kids to their Heavenly Father. Before they graduate to our Elementary Program, we want them to know:
- God loves me
- God made me
- Jesus wants to be my friend forever
Elementary Programs
K – 5th Grade Your elementary aged child will enjoy large group worship and small group time. Before kids head off to middle school, we want to make sure these things stick:
- I need to make the wise choice
- I can trust God no matter what
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated