
Concert Series 

The annual Concert Series has inspired the Naples Community since 2008. During October-May, a variety of musical talent performs at our campus with a mix of free and ticketed concerts. There is something for everyone from jazz to rock and roll!

Email Steve DeLadurantey at for more information about the Concert Series.


Cherub Choir
Cherub Choir is for children who are at least three years of age by September 1, 2024.  Rehearsal is during the 9:30 a.m. Three- and Four-Year-Old Class, in Room 337 in the Early Childhood Education Center.

NNKids Children’s Choir
Join the fun! NNKids Choir is for Kindergarten-5th Grade, from 10:30 to 10:55 a.m., in Room 239 (TVS Music Room), in the Lakeside Building. Children perform on special Sundays throughout the year.

Lift Choir
Come LIFT your voice! The Lift Choir sings on special Sundays throughout the year in the 9:30 AM Contemporary Service. Email Steve DeLadurantey at for more information about the Lift Choir.

Sanctuary Choir
Do you love to sing? Join the Sanctuary Choir for rehearsal every Wednesday night, 7:00-8:30 PM in the Choir Room. The Sanctuary Choir sings at the 11:00 AM Traditional Service every Sunday morning. Email Steve DeLadurantey at for more information about the Sanctuary Choir.

Music Page-Contemporary Worship


Jubilation Ringers
Handbells are open to anyone who would like to serve in the music ministry. This group meets on Thursdays, September-April, 7:00-8:30 PM. Email Wendy Willis at for more information about the Jubilation Ringers.

Contemporary Worship Team
Play an instrument or love to sing? Join the Contemporary Worship Team. This special team leads the congregation into the spirit of worship with God every Sunday in the 9:30 AM Contemporary Service. Email Stephen Romanelli at for more information on the Contemporary Worship Team.