Thank you for your interest in serving at North Naples Church! We believe God has each given us unique gifts and called us to serve. Serving is a way to discover how we are made and how God can use us all while meeting the needs of others.
Be the smiling face that welcomes guests into Sunday services! You’ll get to wear a snazzy blue polo and be available at different entry points around campus to greet and answer questions like “Where do I take my kids?” and more. Frequency: Sunday (½ hr per/mo)
Love to chat? Catch up with new members three months after they have joined our church to see how they have gotten connected. Frequency: Anytime (½ hr per/mo)
Be our guest, be our guest! Help set up for First Experience and Coffee with the Pastor guests.
North Naples Kids
There are many supplies to copy, sort, label and organize to prepare for camp. Individuals are needed for one to two work days.
Frequency: Annually before camp, Flexible
Worship & Special Event Team
Lead or co-lead a small group of children during services. The lesson and materials are prepared for you and ready to go.
Frequency: To be determined.
Enthusiasm, smiles and guidance go a long way to help our children (and parents) feel comfortable joining us on Sunday mornings.
Frequency: Every Sunday, ½ hour
Camp Counselors are adults who serve as a small group leader for a group of 4-8 elementary children.
Frequency: Annually in the summer, for 1 week Times: 7:30 AM-1:00 PM
Individuals are needed to coordinate projects, recruit, volunteer teams and facilitate the projects.
Frequency: Quarterly, as needed.
An individual is needed to coordinate the schedule of events, recruit teams to assist and facilitate the event.
Frequency: Quarterly, as needed
Since North Naples Kids’ shares space with The Village School, all supplies must be transported to and from the buildings, set up and cleaned up each week. Individuals are needed to facilitate setup and cleanup.
Frequency: Every Sunday, and as needed for special events/projects. Times: Sundays, 7:30 AM-9:00 AM and 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Creative Tech Team
Sunday mornings require use of six separate computer stations to run the check-in process and worship services. This position is needed to ensure all computers are working properly and lighting is set up prior to family arrivals.
Frequency: Every Sunday Times: Sundays, 7:30-9:00 AM and on call rest of morning
Preparation of a fun and inviting worship space focused on our monthly theme is important for children’s ministry. A team of design-minded volunteers is needed to find creative and inexpensive ways to enhance and continually refresh the environment.
Frequency: Ongoing, Flexible
Admin Team
An organized individual is wanted to do administrative tasks.
Frequency: Weekly, Flexible
Supporting the ministry with grants and donations is critical. This individual will research and connect with potential grantors and donors. Requires attention to detail and interest in learning about ministry needs and programming.
Frequency: Ongoing, Flexible
Adult Discipleship
Hosts cultivate a welcoming environment and facilitate conversation so people can grow in their relationship with Jesus and others.
Frequency: Dependent on leader’s availability
Provide leadership in planning, coordinating and running various special events throughout the year.
Frequency: Flexible
Volunteers are needed for special events throughout the year.
Frequency: Flexible
Next Generation Ministry
Pray for the students in our church, The Village School/local schools and community. Pray for leaders to mentor and invest in the students, prayer for families.
Variety of opportunities to select from: Set-up/tear down, provide snacks & food as needed, attendance takers, photographers, bus drivers, tech team, mailings.
Lead at weekly youth programs to pour into our students through, games, small groups and conversations. Cheer a student on at an extra-curricular activity and/or meet with them to encourage and help them develop a personal relationship with the Lord.
Help to orchestrate set-up and running of many events throughout the year.
Walk alongside a group of students in their faith journey, as they take classes, go on retreats, build a stronger relationship with the Lord and take the confirmation vows.
Help with weekly administrative tasks in the student ministry.
Love to sing or play an instrument? Have tech skills? The Dock Youth Ministry hangs out together every Sunday night for fun, worship and message. Individuals are wanted to be on the worship team through music opportunities or running the tech booth during youth worship time.
Frequency: Sunday night practice, 4:45– 5:45pm. Sunday night youth and worship, 6:00–8:00pm
Worship Ministry
Be the friendly face that hands a church guest a bulletin and/or passes them the offering plate during the 8:15 or 11:00am traditional services.
Frequency: Sundays, 8:15 or 11:00am service
All are welcome at the Lord’s table. As a communion server, you take part in the experience of serving guests the reminder of what Christ did for us on the cross.
Frequency: First Sunday of the month, 8:15 or 11:00am service
Provide a special element of worship by leading the congregation in prayer. Opportunities are available for individuals to write their own prayers or recite a pre-written prayer.
Frequency: Sundays, 8:15 or 11:00am service
We are blessed to have youth serve as acolytes at our 8:15 & 11:00am services. Youth 3rd grade and up are invited to become acolytes and assist in worship.
Be the friendly face that hands a church guest a bulletin and/or passes them the offering plate during our contemporary service.
Frequency: Sundays at 9:30am Contemporary Service/Easter, Christmas and Special Services
All are welcome at the Lord’s table. We celebrate Holy Communion every week in the contemporary service. As a communion server, you take part in the experience of serving guests the reminder of what Christ did for us on the cross.
Frequency: Sundays at 9:30am
Provide a special element of worship by leading the congregation in prayer. Opportunities are available for individuals to write their own prayers or recite a pre-written prayer.
Frequency: Sundays at 9:30am Contemporary Service/Easter
Music Ministry
Do you love to sing? Join the Sanctuary Choir!
Handbells are open to anyone who would like to serve in the music ministry.
The annual concert series draws thousands onto our campus. Individuals are needed to fold programs, organize and facilitate meals for artists, usher and more.
Frequency: Various opportunities
at NNC
Provides Christmas gifts to children and families in need in our community.
Frequency: November–December
Provides an easy way to serve others by packing beans and rice for local shelters. Great opportunity for families to serve together!
Frequency: Second Saturday of every month, 9:00am–Noon
Food Packing Events are hosted quarterly at NNC and have packed thousands of meals for the community. Did you know food packing events can be arranged anytime! Contact us for food packing events at home or with your study group.
Frequency: Semi-annually
Care Ministry
Care for those who can’t leave their home by calling our shut-in members, sending cards and doing visitations.
Frequency: Weekly, Varies
Use your stitching talents to make beautiful Prayer Shawls for those in need of care and love.
Frequency: Wednesdays, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Prepare or deliver small bouquets for our shut-in members.
Frequency: Arrangement on Monday mornings, delivery varies during the week, Flexible
A Stephen Minister provides high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. To become a Stephen Minister, one must attend the training and be certified by our church.
Frequency: Training Sessions Vary, Meet with One Person Weekly
Prayer is a vital part of the support we provide for one another. Join the Prayer Team in praying for our congregation.
Frequency: Thursday mornings, 10:00-11:00am, Village Chapel
Serve as an usher during memorial services and receptions.
Frequency: Varies
Visit with those in the hospital or hospice. Training is offered and required in addition to tests and shots required by the hospital.
Frequency: Weekly, Varies
Communications & Outreach Ministry
Have a passion for capturing the life of the church? Photos enable us to tell stories of the work God is doing in the church. Individuals are wanted to take photos and videos on Sundays and at different church events.
Frequency: Sundays and Special Events
We are passionate to introduce the Naples Community to Jesus. NNC participates in various city events with 5th Avenue South and more as outreach initiatives. Join the team and help BE the church!
Frequency: Varies
Thousands of bulletins are printed each week in preparation for Sunday services. They require machine folding and occasional stuffing. Come serve and learn the behind-the-scene of a church bulletin!
Frequency: Temporarily on hold.
Special mailings go out several times a year. Individuals are needed to stuff, label, stamp and bring mail to the post office.
Frequency: Quarterly
Sanctuary pews get a lot of love, week after week! Individuals are needed to stuff the pews with connect cards, offering envelopes and pens.
Frequency: Once a month, flexible
Christmas is the wonderful time of year that we get to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Many things need to be done to ensure we are ready for guests on Christmas Eve including campus decorations, poinsettia setup, Advent families and more. An individual (or team) is wanted to coordinate volunteers.
Frequency: Seasonal, Flexible
Help prune, trim and weed plants to beautify our campus.
Frequency: Flexible
We are blessed to have a large facility that can accommodate services, groups and classes. Individuals are needed to restock the Sacristy and various meeting rooms with supplies from our kitchen.
Frequency: Weekly, Flexible
Special church trips require a licensed CDL driver to operate church vehicles. Certification and training is paid for by the church.
Frequency: Varies
Campus Security
Accidents happen! Be available during worship times to respond to medical emergencies. May include training opportunities.
Frequency: Wednesday Night Programming, Saturday Night Service, Sunday Services and Special Events
Help keep our campus safe and secure during worship services and events. Individuals are needed to monitor the campus for safety concerns.
Frequency: Wednesday Night Programming, Saturday Night Service, Sunday Services and Special Events